Time-sucking vampires are amongst us and the faster you can identify them and learn how to extricate yourself from their never-ending thirst, the faster you can get back to being productive, focused and a lot less drained at the end of your work day.
Here are the top 3 time-sucking scenarios that need to be immediately managed and by managed, I mean…Boundaries are set & expectations clearly communicated with a goal of 100% satisfaction, OR you sever the relationship all together.
- Loan officers, whether peers or direct reports, who ask you the same questions over and over again, do not apparently take notes or take time to read guidelines and learn their craft. Or, those peers or direct reports who vent tirelessly about their clients, their struggles, the market or what Corporate isn’t doing for them.
- Assistants or other support team members who make their work load your responsibility, by constantly having to double-check their work, take tasks back from them, ask how they’re doing with projects, rather than automatically receiving regular updates from them, or those who buck the system, refuse to proactively seek-out solutions or infect the rest of the team with their complaints, negative comments and insubordinate behaviors.
- Referral partners who accept your lunch invites, attend your seminars, use your resources, ask for contributions to their marketing, auctions, fundraisers, charitable causes, Broker Opens, Open Houses, demand that their procrastinations become your emergencies and NEVER offer to reciprocate on their own accord in any way.