time management

Keep Your Eye on the Prize

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distractions-illo-1020x871Be suspicious of to-dos, projects, interruptions, and requests that take you off course from your business and personal goals.

Sometimes it’s far easier to allow our minds to become distracted rather than to do, “the work” of seeing our goals through to the end.

Ultimately, our daily choices of where we spend our time and what we put our focus on is what defines our number of accomplishments and outcomes.

The buck always stops HERE! That is to mean, each of us are 100% responsible for everything we do or do not do.

Let’s keep our eye on the prize, whatever that, “prize” is for YOU!

That Elusive Thing Called, “Down Time”

By | Mortgage Business Tips, mortgage coaching | No Comments

stayfocusedFunny thing about finally finding that elusive thing called, “down time”….Once we get some we either A) Choose to do nothing with it. B) Choose to fill it up with non-productive tasks or C) Forget what it was that we swore we were going to accomplish when we did finally get some, in which case A and/or B come into play. So in an effort to encourage the best of the best to use their down-time to catapult their careers, here is a memory jogger list of high pay-off projects to consider…

Get socially savvy-Create Lists in Facebook for your, “Friends” who happen to fall into certain critical categories, such as: Realtors, Past Customers, Prospects, Peers, Teammates and Other Referral Partners so that you can control who sees certain posts and make your posts even more relevant to your specified audiences.

Embrace efficiency-Get your Realtors and other referral partners, past customers, old prospects and new prospects , plus all of those forgotten business cards into your CRM, into your online email marketing portals, into your smart phone and any gift-giving online stores’ address books, such as Amazon, Shutterfly, Send out Cards, etc.

Just do it!-Don’t have a CRM that houses all of your various contacts? NOW is the time to research them on-line and get your most precious business asset (your contact list) organized and receiving branded, pertinent information from you on a regular basis. Remember, just because someone works with you once, doesn’t mean they are going to remember to refer you, use your services again or reach out to you with questions, UNLESS you are top of mind.

Brush-up on your craft-What could you become better at in your career? What experience do you lack? What aren’t you comfortable talking about? What part of your business still has you stumped? What could you read, listen to or take an on-line class about that would give you that edge?

Coordinate creativity-A cluttered outer world clutters our inner world. Do you have files to purge, emails to organize, subscriptions to cancel, files to shred or store? We ALL DO at some level and this is a GREAT time to declutter, reframe, refresh and create space. Remember, creativity is at the crux of all thriving careers and creativity can’t spread its wings if there’s not enough space to take flight.

Now, I’m not saying NOT to take advantage of some of this down time by indulging in non-business growth activities, such as: naps, long walks, game time with the family, binge watching Netflix shows, etc., What I want everyone to take to heart can be summed up in this quote just given to me earlier today by one of my clients and that is….“Champions are made in the off season!”

The Time Management Blame Game

By | Food for thought, Mortgage Business Tips | No Comments


It’s important to think about time management as a choice, not so much as a tool.

What I find is that many mortgage professionals battle between freedom and discipline, that is, they indulge in the freedom of not being stuck in a 9-5 job with a Manager overseeing their hour by hour production, but don’t embrace daily disciplines and practices to ensure the production they need AND then they beat themselves up for taking the time they took to be with friends, attend to family and/or personal to-dos during peak productivity time.

So, if you find yourself blaming a lack of time management as the cause for an unstable pipeline, the first thing to investigate are the choices you are making on a daily basis.

There are only so many hours in a day and only so many hats one person can wear. Be at peace with your choices. Be realistic about your potential production. Or start making changes.

What’s at the Root of Your Time Management Blues?

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There’s a million excuses for why we don’t get stuff done, why we don’t start projects or timemanagementbluesfinish them, why we aren’t more productive with our work hours, but at the bottom of this bundled mass of uninspiring justifications lies nothing more than bad daily choices.

It’s not that we don’t necessarily know what to do to increase our chances of a more productive and balanced day, it’s more that we ignore the solutions nagging at us at the back of our minds.

Rolling back in our memories to investigate our choices throughout the day will illuminate those moments of poor decision and put you on a path to curing your time management blues for good!

Here’s the most common excuses for why stuff just doesn’t get done…

  1. I don’t have enough time.
  2. I have too many interruptions.
  3. I don’t have any help.

Here’s the most common daily choices you’re making which lead to the excuses above…

I don’t have enough time:

-You choose not to review your day’s to-dos and work load in order to PLAN out your following work day.

-You choose to go to bed late, which leads to waking up late and groggy and don’t get a real start at your work until 9am or later.

-You choose to let others set your appointment times, rather than reviewing your calendar and offering times that work best for YOU.

-You choose not to embrace new tools, methods and technologies.

I have too many interruptions:

-You choose not to communicate boundaries with your co-workers, referral partners and family.

-You choose to solve everybody else’s problems, instead of allowing them to learn from their own mistakes.

-You choose to answer emails and phone calls during the times you set aside for file work or other projects.

-You choose not to set up your home office properly.

-You choose to keep your Smart Phone nearby at all times where you hear the pings of incoming social media feed, texts, IMs, advertising emails, etc.

I don’t have any help:

-You choose not to take the risk and hire an Assistant.

-You choose not to task your Assistant with ALL of your low-pay off activities.

-You choose not to ask for help.

-You choose not to use the resources provided to you.

-You choose to attempt to be the expert on everything.

Remember, everyone struggles with time-management at some level, but that is because everyone struggles with being present in the moment and disciplined in making better choices that many times are tied to insecurities and fears.

Make the choice today to take a good hard look at what you are choosing to do with your time and attention so you can discover what your particular time management “hang-up” is really tethered to.

Setting Boundaries to Build a Better Business

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Here’s the top three scenarios where drawing your line in the sand is imperative to the growth of your business.

#1-Referral partners who abuse your relationship. You know the ones who throw you under the bus with your mutual clients, call to complain and offer no solutions or support, ask for favors but don’t return them, blow-up your phone, email and text (at the same time) who behave unprofessionally, use profanity and/or raise their voice at you.

The only reason you are putting up with this abusive behavior is due to feeling desperate about your current business situation. However, the fact is that these types of people will never actually help you to grow your business. Instead their abuse will sour your outlook on your business and will also negatively impact your customers.

Letting them go sooner rather than later will help you to make room for better, more mutually-respectful and beneficial relationships. As in any relationship in your life…NEVER settle!

#2-Team members with bad attitudes. This could be an Assistant, a Processor, a fellow Loan Officer or even your, Manager. The last thing anyone needs is to listen to a team member’s complaints, negative rants, passive aggressive quips or personal problems, especially when you are held captive due to the fact that you must rely on them at some point to get your borrowers to the close.

It is never a pleasant feeling to be forced to confront folks, but not doing so will simply lead to more of the same and a seed of resentment will grow inside you and dampen your work experience, as well as your own attitude.

When approaching your, “negative Nelly,” remember these helpful tips:

  • Don’t approach them with the topic while in the heat of the moment. Give it a day or two and then ask to speak to them privately or schedule a time to speak on the phone if the two of you do not share an office.
  • Nobody comes into work thinking, ‘I’m going to do my best to really disappoint my customers and co-workers today.’ So, assume that the root of the problem has nothing to do with you personally and start off by making an observation like, “Hey, Sally, you know I’ve noticed you really seem especially stressed right now and I’m concerned. Is there anything I can do differently that could help you in any way?” This is how you can bring light to the issue without putting someone instantly on the defense.
  • Make sure to be prepared with very specific instances of how and when their attitude has negatively impacted your productivity, work flow, or yours or your customer’s feelings.
  • If all of your best efforts to work out the attitude problem fail, escalate the issue to their direct report and if that person happens to be you, then you need to make the decision if there is any way you can manage them up or if it’s time to manage them out. Whatever you do, don’t delay as the old cliché holds true…One bad apple does spoil the bunch!

#3-Family members, friends or peers who interrupt your work day. Many folks assume that because you are not on a 9am-5pm punch clock that somehow that means you are freer and more available than most.

If you find that your peers are lingering in your office doorway longer than is productive or that your sister or brother call during the middle of the day asking for favors or your teenage children call with a variety of complaints and requests, it’s time to draw that line and set those boundaries.

Giving away 10 minutes here and 15 minutes there adds up quick! Plus, each interruption derails you from maintaining your focus and remaining productive and that just leads to longer work hours. Protect your most productive work hours. Ask your peers to respect your, “Please do not interrupt” signs. Communicate, “Open times” to friends and family and most importantly, stick with it! If YOU don’t, nobody else will.

Enjoy this Sunday like a Saturday

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Have you ever been sipping your Sunday morning cup of coffee and instead of simply enjoying the aroma, the peace and the quiet, you’re already thinking about work on Monday and worrying about files?

The best way to combat your sweet cappuccino turning into a bitter cup of Joe is to immediately grab a pen and a notebook and take the first 15-20 minutes of your Sunday morning and empty all of those work thoughts out of your head and dump them onto the page.

Free-up your mind, knowing that your to-dos have been captured, your files prioritized and your goals jotted down.

This list doesn’t have to be pretty, nor does it have to be a list at all. It could be a stream of consciousness journal entry, a mind map, calendar entries, reminders in your mobile phone.

The medium you select doesn’t matter. However, allowing your mind to release its grip on the work week ahead by engaging in this quick exercise means the world to your loved ones who are eagerly awaiting your full and happy presence on this beautiful Sunday afternoon.

Coaching Moment-Digging into Time Management Challenges…

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I want to share a dialogue I just had with a client of mine as I feel that the message is valuable for anyone, at any time in their career and is a topic that comes up more than any other in my coaching sessions…


Actually I have created a time-blocked calendar many times before but failed most of time and have revised my calendar time and time again…The schedule is not the problem, the major issue every day is having too many other things that are happening around me to make me deviate from the schedule.   I just need to build a cushion and fail safe way to get myself on track.    I know once I am on track, I should be able to accomplish the most important things that are necessary to build my business and not just being busy.  

Coach V:
Time Management is 50% scheduling and organization and 50% choice. You can have a perfect calendar, but if you do not make good choices from day to day, a perfectly time-blocked calendar becomes a moot point.You must be conscious of every decision you are making from day to day. We have to examine all the things that are taking up our time and re-directing our attentions that are low, pay-off, like personal distractions, getting in too late, holding on too long to bad leads or files that simply aren’t going to fly, not utilizing our team members, etc.I’ve had many clients elect to track their works days in 15-30 minute increments  for a period of 5 straight work days and jot down on a pad of paper what they are doing in those increments to reveal what is wasting their time or taking up too much time. This is a great exercise to be able to see, once and for all, where all your time is going so that you can focus in on the biggest time-wasters and tackle those problems, FIRST. What people discover is that much of their time-wasters usually boil down to one or more of the following:

  • Starting day too late-poor work schedule
  • No plan for the day
  • Allowing too many personal interruptions, distractions or team member distractions
  • Having too many leads and no system to handle those leads
  • Having too many leads and no Assistant to help

Top 5 Drivers to Being More Efficient in your Mortgage Business

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Wondering why you can’t seem to experience more productive and less chaotic work days?

In interviewing hundreds of Mortgage Professionals from all over the country, from 2-year newbies to 30+ year vets, I’ve discovered that the majority of the chaos experienced stems from not having one, if not all, of the following 5 efficiency drivers in place in one’s business:

  1. Utilizing a CRM (Customer Relationship Management System).
  2. Following a specified workflow process (Perfect Loan Process).
  3. Planning out the work day ahead of time (Time management, time-blocking, to-do/task lists)
  4. Embracing technology to make my work life easier. (web-based calendars, cloud storage, Google docs, social media, video, voice broadcast, GoToMeeting.com, mass texting, etc.)
  5. Delegating low pay-off activities (Virtual Assistant, Marketing Assistant, Personal Assistant)

7 Signs That You’re Working Harder, Not Smarter

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  1. You are not asking for referrals at least two times during the loan process.
  2. You do not have a customer relationship management system or CRM.
  3. You have not identified or do not consistently engage in two strategies, that YOU feel comfortable with in order to meet new Realtors every month.
  4. You do not have a clear business plan.
  5. You do not time-block marketing and lead generating activities weekly!
  6. You do not follow your own Perfect Loan Process.
  7. You are trying to do it ALL by yourself-No help, no Coach/Mentor, no team, no one to delegate to.