Meet More Realtors!
Many Loan Officers spend oodles of time and money on what they hope will be that perfect, “shiny gem”-that tool or gadget or marketing strategy that promises to attract Realtors and gain their coveted referrals.
However, more times than not, once the Realtor signs up, signs in or takes whatever it is that you are offering, nothing much more happens after that. In frustration, you begin to wonder why they aren’t utilizing what you gave them and why the heck you aren’t receiving their referrals.
Take Coach Victoria’s Advice…
Skip all of the expense, flash and bang and instead, leap out of the gates toward building a relationship. Go direct and bet on the uniqueness of YOU as the shiny gem that will attract great Realtors…Read Coach Victoria’s full article to learn four fabulous and budget-friendly ways to meet more Realtors NOW!…
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