What’s at the Root of Your Time Management Blues?

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There’s a million excuses for why we don’t get stuff done, why we don’t start projects or timemanagementbluesfinish them, why we aren’t more productive with our work hours, but at the bottom of this bundled mass of uninspiring justifications lies nothing more than bad daily choices.

It’s not that we don’t necessarily know what to do to increase our chances of a more productive and balanced day, it’s more that we ignore the solutions nagging at us at the back of our minds.

Rolling back in our memories to investigate our choices throughout the day will illuminate those moments of poor decision and put you on a path to curing your time management blues for good!

Here’s the most common excuses for why stuff just doesn’t get done…

  1. I don’t have enough time.
  2. I have too many interruptions.
  3. I don’t have any help.

Here’s the most common daily choices you’re making which lead to the excuses above…

I don’t have enough time:

-You choose not to review your day’s to-dos and work load in order to PLAN out your following work day.

-You choose to go to bed late, which leads to waking up late and groggy and don’t get a real start at your work until 9am or later.

-You choose to let others set your appointment times, rather than reviewing your calendar and offering times that work best for YOU.

-You choose not to embrace new tools, methods and technologies.

I have too many interruptions:

-You choose not to communicate boundaries with your co-workers, referral partners and family.

-You choose to solve everybody else’s problems, instead of allowing them to learn from their own mistakes.

-You choose to answer emails and phone calls during the times you set aside for file work or other projects.

-You choose not to set up your home office properly.

-You choose to keep your Smart Phone nearby at all times where you hear the pings of incoming social media feed, texts, IMs, advertising emails, etc.

I don’t have any help:

-You choose not to take the risk and hire an Assistant.

-You choose not to task your Assistant with ALL of your low-pay off activities.

-You choose not to ask for help.

-You choose not to use the resources provided to you.

-You choose to attempt to be the expert on everything.

Remember, everyone struggles with time-management at some level, but that is because everyone struggles with being present in the moment and disciplined in making better choices that many times are tied to insecurities and fears.

Make the choice today to take a good hard look at what you are choosing to do with your time and attention so you can discover what your particular time management “hang-up” is really tethered to.

How to Respond Strategically When Getting Dumped for Another Lender

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competitionGetting dumped for another lender happens, but responding strategically to the client’s reasons for making the switch is just as important as your script when engaging with the prospect for the very first time.

The majority of the population loathes change and feels quite insecure and hesitant when faced with switching gears for any reason. Once the change is made, the smallest glitch or bump in the road will cause most people to regret their decision and wish they hadn’t made the change at all.

In the case of obtaining a mortgage, there can be plenty of moments of uncertainty and insecurity for the borrower, so the likelihood is when you do get dumped for another lender, there’s a real possibility of wooing your prospect back if you just gracefully and strategically keep the door open and follow-up.

Just recently I helped a client of mine write the following email script to send to her straying customer. In this particular case, the loan officer had given advice, consistently checked-in and been an ear to this prospect’s personal challenges over a significant period of time, yet the prospect decided to go with her credit union based on, “convenience.”

Ouch! Right?

Of course, this is just one way to respond, BUT what I like to remind my clients when responding to rate shoppers or getting dumped for other reasons is…

1.    You are NOT desperate-Let ’em go gracefully and keep the door open.

2.    You are the BEST choice regardless of their reason.

3.    Remember, the prospect has NO idea what they should really be worried about, like actually making it to the closing table and CLOSING.

Feel free to adopt, edit and use the following script as you see fit.

“So happy to hear things in your personal life are just about wrapped up for you. Onward and upward, right? :-) Congrats!

Please do keep in mind that not all mortgage services are the same, so if for any reason things start to go sideways with the process or communication with your credit union, do not hesitate to contact me ASAP. Starting the loan process is easy, but getting to the finish line and closing your loan is where experience, solution-based thinking and perseverance is a must. I can honestly say I’ve saved dozens and dozens of deals from falling apart in my 20+ years of lending. 

I’d love the opportunity to help you into your bright future with a brand new home. Again, if anything changes, just call me immediately. I’ll make sure to check in on you in a few weeks to see how all is coming along.

Take care out there and stay in touch.”

What My Clients Have Taught Me About Becoming Successful

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cropped-address-bar-victoria-fifield.pngToday, I am grateful, humbled and more excited than ever as I celebrate my 10 year anniversary as the mortgage industry’s #1 Business Coach!

Of course, nobody succeeds alone and I have to thank all of my faithful, dedicated and goal-focused clients, both past and present who put their careers in my hands to help them visualize, plan and execute business growth initiatives that have taken them to the next level.

Being witness to the enormous changes my clients experience on the road to becoming the best versions of themselves in their business and personal lives continues to drive me every day to sharpen my own coaching methods and skills, stay abreast of marketing and sales trends, new technologies and track what Loan Officers are implementing in their businesses that is gaining a return on investment and what is not!

As a Coach you learn some extremely important skills, such as: the art of listening, knowing when to push and how to push, applying accountability tools and tactics that elicit positive action, asking questions that help your clients uncover their own solutions, how to create wins, leverage opportunities and how to encourage people to move past fear, anxiety and perfectionism.

Here is what my clients have proven to me time and time again about becoming successful…

  1. Nobody succeeds alone. What most business professionals lack the most is a trusted advisor, someone invested in their success, who unwaveringly stands in a place of hope and possibility for them when they feel like tapping out.
  2. ACTION secures results. Trying to predict the outcomes, over-analyzing and getting stuck in assumptions stymies the growth process. The old quote still stands 100% true, “Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.”- Henry David Thoreau
  3. Discipline defines success. Sticking to a plan of action, embracing time management principles, doing what we set out to do even when we rather be in bed reading a good book ALL boils down to self-discipline. You either choose to be disciplined or you choose not to be disciplined. It’s the biggest choice to how your life will play-out.
  4. Never count yourself out. Whatever errors, mishaps, misfortunes, missed opportunities, failures, embarrassments, etc., have befallen you, DO NOT define you! The human spirit is unimaginably powerful. Our ability to change and grow stays with us forever. I have been witness to people who have lost everything, who have suffered from various health conditions, have been challenged by legal issues, who have left this industry, come back, left again and re-entered, struggled with lack of confidence, lack of experience and then watched as they changed and dug their way out of the mess and confusion to become some of the most successful individuals in this industry.

Ten years of coaching mortgage professionals as a full-time career has gifted me with the unwavering faith that success and happiness and fulfillment are always achievable no matter where you start from!

THANK YOU for these ten years and the many more to come.

An Exercise in Striking Out Fear

By | Mortgage Business Tips, Uncategorized | No Comments

What if you were told by an ancient oracle that you would become the wealthiest, healthiest and happiest person in the world, but you first had to fail at least 10,000 times before achieving these states?

Would you allow failure into your life, then? Might you be eager to attempt all that you fear the most in order to live the life that you envision?

What if I told you that ancient oracle actually lives within you, not outside of you, and that the mantras you repeat in your mind every day wield enough power to make whatever it is that you are focusing on an absolute reality?

The following are words from incredibly inspiring people who realized that failure is not to be feared but simply accepted as a stepping stone to greatness:

“Before success comes in any man’s life, he is sure to meet with much napoleonhill

temporary defeat and, perhaps, some failure. When defeat overtakes a

man, the easiest and most logical thing to do is quit. And that is exactly

what the majority of men and women do.” – Napoleon Hill

briantracey“Everyone faces difficulties every step of the way. The difference

between high achievers and low achievers is simply that high achievers

utilize adversity and struggles for growth, while low achievers allow

difficulties and adversity to overwhelm them and leave them discouraged

and dejected.” –Brian Tracy

“Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.”RobertFKennedy

-Robert F. Kennedy

What do you feel that you have failed at in your life up to this point? Looking back on the situation now, can you discover at least one success that was born from what seemed like a loss at the time?

What characteristics did you display? What did you learn and how did you grow from this experience?

Take about 15 minutes to really think about this. Meditate on how you felt at the time in the face of what you believed was a failure and then move your thoughts to how you feel right now. Can you see that this was simply a stepping stone in your life?

Take out a journal and write down everything that you have been fearing to fail. Your list might look something like this:

  1. I am fearful of speaking in front of a large audience.
  2. I am fearful of developing referral relationships.
  3. I am fearful of not appearing knowledgeable in my industry.

Once you feel that you have released every fear from your mind, go back and strike out the fear and write one small step that you could be excited about taking that would bring you closer to moving beyond the fear. For example:

I am fearful of speaking in front of a large audience. I am excited to take my presentation home and invite two friends over to be my audience.

Commit each month to achieving these small steps and then journaling to discover what each stepping stone on your path looks like for the next month and the next. Before you know it, this accumulation of small victories will bring you to your ultimate goal.

Watch-Out for these Time Sucking Vampires

By | Food for thought, Mortgage Business Tips | No Comments

timevampsTime-sucking vampires are amongst us and the faster you can identify them and learn how to extricate yourself from their never-ending thirst, the faster you can get back to being productive, focused and a lot less drained at the end of your work day.

Here are the top 3 time-sucking scenarios that need to be immediately managed and by managed, I mean…Boundaries are set & expectations clearly communicated with a goal of 100% satisfaction, OR you sever the relationship all together.

  1. Loan officers, whether peers or direct reports, who ask you the same questions over and over again, do not apparently take notes or take time to read guidelines and learn their craft. Or, those peers or direct reports who vent tirelessly about their clients, their struggles, the market or what Corporate isn’t doing for them.
  2. Assistants or other support team members who make their work load your responsibility, by constantly having to double-check their work, take tasks back from them, ask how they’re doing with projects, rather than automatically receiving regular updates from them, or those who buck the system, refuse to proactively seek-out solutions or infect the rest of the team with their complaints, negative comments and insubordinate behaviors.
  3. Referral partners who accept your lunch invites, attend your seminars, use your resources, ask for contributions to their marketing, auctions, fundraisers, charitable causes, Broker Opens, Open Houses, demand that their procrastinations become your emergencies and NEVER offer to reciprocate on their own accord in any way.

Goals Eluding You? Give Yourself Some Grace!

By | Food for thought, Mortgage Business Tips | No Comments

graceGiving yourself Grace is not about giving yourself excuses. Excuses are external, verbal creations that are given to people you believe hold expectations of you. Excuses are mired in guilt and many times an unspoken desire to pass-off responsibility.

Grace is personal and steeped in forgiveness and new solutions. Giving yourself Grace when your goals seem to be eluding you will help you to push past the hard times and make it to the finish line.

Is there a formula for practicing Grace? I’m glad that you asked. My personal formula for practicing Grace is: G=R3, or Grace= (Recall) x (Reaffirm) x (Recommit).

The first step is to Recall all that you have accomplished in the past and to imagine the lift of good feelings and rush of endorphins that accompanied those wins.

Next, it’s very important that you Reaffirm who you know yourself to be at your very best. If you’ve got your list of positive affirmations, read them. If not, write a new set of 10 positive affirmations immediately.

Finally, Recommit to those goals, visions and/or aspirations that you feel passionate about. If you’ve lost the fire for one goal or the other, examine why that might be. Is fear holding you back? If it is, it’s likely a very worthwhile goal that needs to be broken down into smaller steps.

If you feel a sense of boredom or simple disinterest, scrap-it from the plan and move on.

All great accomplishments start internally, as a seed of thought in the mind. The goals that we set are the first promises we make to ourselves to bring those thoughts into action.

If along the way we become derailed, or some of our goals seem to elude us, all we ever need do is to Recall, Reaffirm and Recommit, thereby summoning the blessings of Grace.

Don’t let thoughts of Monday steal your Sunday

By | Mortgage Business Tips | No Comments

sunday2Have you ever been sipping your Sunday morning cup of coffee and instead of simply enjoying the aroma, the peace and the quiet, you’re already thinking about work on Monday and worrying about files?

The best way to combat your sweet cappuccino turning into a bitter cup of Joe is to immediately grab a pen and a notebook and take the first 15-20 minutes of your Sunday morning and empty all of those work thoughts out of your head and dump them onto the page.

Free-up your mind, knowing that your to-dos have been captured, your files prioritized and your goals jotted down.

This list doesn’t have to be pretty, nor does it have to be a list at all. It could be a stream of consciousness journal entry, a mind map, calendar entries, reminders in your mobile phone.

The medium you select doesn’t matter. However, allowing your mind to release its grip on the work week ahead by engaging in this quick exercise means the world to your loved ones who are eagerly awaiting your full and happy presence on this beautiful Sunday afternoon.

Separating Magnificent Managers from Mediocre Managers

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To all leadershipawardmy struggling Branch Managers weighed down by the dual goal of maintaining their own origination, as well as, inspiring other sales people to grow their production…Remember that you are responsible for providing tools, guidance, accountability and expertise to your sales team, but the drive to sell, the desire to close and the self-discipline required to be a successful Loan Officer either exists at the core of the individual or it does not. Being able to quickly identify the core of your sales team members and act accordingly is an ability that separates magnificent Managers from mediocre Managers.


Flawed Expectations

By | Mortgage Business Tips, Uncategorized | No Comments

expectationsThe following is a list of what I call, “flawed expectations” that are sure to cause my readers to flinch and shake their heads either in agreement or full blown denial.

My hope is that for those Mortgage Professionals who suddenly realize that they may be holding on to one or more of these flawed expectations, that this post will serve as a welcome, “aha” moment that will spur positive change and increased opportunities.

  1. When you expect to generate “X” number of leads each week but your focus and actions are not centered on sales-generating type endeavors every week.
  2. When you expect leads from new referral relationships after one meeting and a couple of follow-up calls.
  3. When you expect to get more done in a day but have no daily plan.
  4. When you expect to maintain a consistent pipeline but work inconsistent work hours.
  5. When you expect to grow your business with the help of an Assistant but have no systems in place.
  6. When you expect referrals for a job well done but never ask for them.
  7. When you expect loyalty from your Realtors but you don’t answer the phone.
  8. When you expect attendees at your event but call no one for RSVPs.
  9. When you expect your team to give their daily goals 110% while you give yours 50%.
  10. When you expect to double your income but don’t invest in your business.