All posts by Coach Victoria


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SELLWITHHEARTThe struggle is REAL for most American consumers-Work furloughs, job loss, struggles with anxiety and depression paired with a sense of isolation and uncertainty can leave your consumers feeling edgy and a bit more ornery and impatient to deal with when trying to earn their business. So how do we break through all of this negativity, separate ourselves from the competition and earn new business and maintain the business that we’ve got?

We’ve got to lead with the heart in our sales scripts and our marketing and I’ve got 5 great tips to help you do just that!.

Establish a good foundation of communication. Never assume, always ask your new prospects how they prefer to be communicated with, it shows them you care. You may be a phone guy or an email gal, BUT 9 out of 10 consumers prefer texting, which luckily gives you the ability to over-communicate at point of sale, during the process and after delivery, which leads me to my next tip…

Embrace technology so you can still be face to face and set your consumers’ minds at ease. Zoom or other video technology can be utilized at point of sale so people can see you in action and connect with you. Once you are in process with the service or product they’ve agreed to buy from you, you can then switch to video touch-points via email or text. Again this gives your consumers a sense of the person you are and that you are going the extra mile to win their trust. Especially during these challenging times, email communications can lend to too many misunderstandings and misinterpretations, so don’t take that chance, UNLESS that is the only mode of communication your customer prefers and in that case, you will have to take extra precaution not to accidentally ruffle any feathers so watch your P’s & Q’s

Don’t be afraid to use touchy-feely language in your marketing. It’s ok to share well-crafted personal stories, pictures of your pets, activities, hobbies and uplifting quotes you enjoy, alongside your informational or educational marketing messages, so bring your softer side to every aspect of your sales approach and processes.  Humor is also ok, but always make it G-rated. When people feel down, they will naturally gravitate to people who represent and showcase a positive outlook, who appear calm and happy. Be THAT type of sales person and you will win the business!

Set real expectations up front. The old sales phrase, “Under Promise and Over Deliver” should be top of mind with every sale. Because your consumer’s patience level is at an all-time low, communicating processing and delivery times of your services or products that takes ALL the unforeseeable hiccups into consideration, (which seem to be many these days) will help you earn trust and keep your customers from switching to your competitor. PLUS, remember, most folks don’t know how long your product or service delivery should take, be up front, pad the time expectation a hair and then WOW them when all goes accordingly to plan and you can deliver ahead of time! Same goes for bad news, the faster and more heart-felt you deliver bad news to your customers regarding errors, mistakes, delays or other unforeseen hiccups, the more likely you will be able to retain the sale. Blasting through the bad news and then never mentioning it again will NOT gain you the trust and respect necessary to capture their repeat business.PLUS, any bad news, should be followed-up with a heart-felt note card and possibly a little gift from the heart to show that you are empathetic to the situation and/or mix-up.

Don’t avoid your past customers in times of crisis! As everyone knows, maintaining past customers to create referrals and repeat business is ALWAYS more cost effective than marketing for new customers, soooooooo, even though times are tough and the stories you may hear might break your heart, remember to CALL your past customers just to check in, not to share industry news, not to tell them about a new product or service or to ask for referral, but simply to see how they are feeling and doing and if their family is A-ok. People need connection and a place to vent more than ever before, having a heart and giving your customers a chance to share with you, elevates you from a mere service or product provider to a FRIEND and we all want to buy from and support people who we KNOW, LIKE & TRUST.

Gone Off on a Customer Lately?

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goneoffonacustomerIn this current environment of overwhelming volume, lack of support, long hours and pushy, sometimes unsympathetic customers, there’s a good chance you may have blown your lid unintentionally a time or two.

It may have been justified. It may have felt good. Heck you may have even received an apology after you, “set them straight.” BUT it is important to recognize that those interactions with your customers that are putting you over the edge, like the question, “Why is this taking so long?” OR the annoyance of receiving 3 texts, 4 voicemails and 2 emails ALL from the same person in a period of 15 minutes, or the frustration of wasting hours on the bossy rate-shopper who also happens to be a repeat customer who you thought was loyal to you, are ALL the same challenging situations you’ve always faced in this industry.

The only thing that’s really changed is YOU due to the insane workload and unusual work environment.

How you’re attending to your own physical and mental health during these intensified levels of stress will directly affect your ability to effectively solve problems and respond rationally to challenging situations. Some basic best practices that can help you immediately decrease the effects of stress are: getting a solid night’s rest, staying hydrated, eating nutritious meals and snacks, exercise and short breaks in order to decompress.

No double about it, regaining your patience and your poise will always get you farther than putting on those verbal boxing gloves, so next time when confronted with a tense situation, try one of these three options for harnessing your cool and defusing heated interactions with customers and referral partners.

  1. Don’t take them all!-You can say, “no.” I’m sure there are several deals right this second you can recount where you knew in an instant that it was going to be ALL bad. Trust your instincts and give yourself a break. Your sanity is worth passing on a few.
  1. Don’t immediately respond/react-When faced with an accusation or rudely posed question or insult, wait 5 seconds to answer and say, “I hear what you’re saying, let me put you on a quick hold while I get to my office and sit down so we can discuss this, give me a minute.” And then place them on hold and get your head straight and take a couple of deep breaths. You’ll be amazed at how this short interlude will diffuse not only your anxiety and upset, but your customer’s as well.
  1. Repeat what is said-Most times in the heat of the moment, people will say things without much thought. It’s important to mirror back to them what they just said, so next time you’re hit with a judgement statement, insult or accusation, wait 5 seconds, then reply, “What I just heard you say was,…. In mirroring back what was said, the person will likely be surprised and even a bit ashamed of their words and will rephrase their question or comment and adjust their tone.

Remember, even when you’re right, blowing your top or, “setting somebody straight” adds zero value to your day or to your business, plus it’s the only thing the person will remember about working with you and worse will be the ONLY thing they tell other people about their experience with you.

Are You Speaking an Outdated Language?

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communicationstyleThe fact is that the customers of today are a much different breed than those of yester-years.

For example:

  • Email is too clumsy, they want to be texted.
  • Information is abundant and at their fingertips, they want you to give them an, “experience” instead.
  • If they can’t meet you face to face, they’ll expect you to send them a Zoom or GoToMeeting invite.
  • If you don’t have a webpage with an on-line application, educational videos, multiple links to other pertinent sites, free downloads, video testimonials and a blog…well, they’re going to notice and they will make comparisons.

It’s not too difficult to get to know your new customers, either. Their opinions, interests, experiences and family photos can all be found on Facebook, Linkedin, Pinterest, Twitter, etc.


Question of the day: “Are you showing up where your clients are showing up AND are you communicating in ways that are most comfortable and familiar to them?”

Keep Your Eye on the Prize

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distractions-illo-1020x871Be suspicious of to-dos, projects, interruptions, and requests that take you off course from your business and personal goals.

Sometimes it’s far easier to allow our minds to become distracted rather than to do, “the work” of seeing our goals through to the end.

Ultimately, our daily choices of where we spend our time and what we put our focus on is what defines our number of accomplishments and outcomes.

The buck always stops HERE! That is to mean, each of us are 100% responsible for everything we do or do not do.

Let’s keep our eye on the prize, whatever that, “prize” is for YOU!

Being an A+ Producer Doesn’t Automatically Equal Being an A+ Manager

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Ok, for all you thick-skinned producing mortgage managers struggling to juggle it all and feeling like you’re the only one who can’t seem to handle the distractioncompeting work load in front of you, such as:

  • Originating loans
  • Recruiting
  • Managing
  • Networking
  • Marketing
  • Trouble shooting
  • Training
  • Corporate meetings
  • Sales meetings
  • PNLs, Expense Reports, Tracking overhead and all other Corporate-related documentation, surveys and reports you are required to submit…


Reality is that when you opted to have your cake and eat it too, you knowingly or unknowingly accepted the fact that being an A+ Sales Professional and an A+ Manager at the same time, would be a near impossible feat to achieve.

Now of course everyone’s definition of what it means to be A+ at something is going to vary and at the end of the day what really matters is that you go home from work feeling accomplished, satisfied with your efforts, up for tackling tomorrow’s challenges and fully expecting victories.

But what do you do if you don’t feel that way much of the time and after some introspection and a thorough review of your business numbers you find that you’re not setting the world on fire in your origination and your team seems to be sucking wind, too?

First, read through the following most common mistakes of struggling, producing mortgage managers and jot down everything that you can honestly admit that you are guilty of and willing to change.

Next, set a goal to focus on 3 of the items for the remainder of the year and certainly feel free to reach out to me for a complimentary session as the solutions to each of these issues are abundant and I’m happy to share my insights on what would work best for YOU and your particular set of circumstances.

Top 3 Most Common Mistakes of Struggling, Producing Mortgage Managers:

  1. Poor hiring practices: Does not cast a big enough net to locate candidates-Lacks a standard interviewing process-Does little to no background investigation of ability to produce/sell-Hires based on personality vs. sales abilities-Hires friends/family members- Hiring out of desperation to fill seats, rather than waiting for the, “right” team players to fill roles.
  2. Poor management style: Acts as a crutch, a motherly/fatherly figure rather than empowering team players and teaching them how to find their own solutions-No set on-boarding & training schedule for new hires-No set scheduled time for employee concerns, questions, suggestions, loan challenges, etc.-Brings personal issues/shares personal issues at work-Leans towards wanting to be liked more than wanting to lead- Blames Corporate for challenges-Passes the buck-No accountability measures-No formal progress reviews-Does not walk their talk-No communication regarding goals & vision, expectations & boundaries.
  3. Poor planning/poor time-management: Does not engage in daily planning-Does not review and reset goals on a weekly basis-Does not review business numbers consistently-Lacks a Business Plan-Lacks a proper project management system-Does not fully utilize/embrace tools & technology-Does not properly delegate-No set work hours-Allows too many personal/family interruptions.

Client Dumped you for Another Lender? Read This!

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Getting dumped for another lender happens, but responding strategically to the client’s reasons for making the switch is just as important as your script when engaging with the prospect for the very first time.

The majority of the population loathes change and feels quite insecure and hesitant when faced with switching gears for any reason. Once the change is made, the smallest glitch or bump in the road will cause most people to regret their decision and wish they hadn’t made the change at all.

In the case of obtaining a mortgage, there can be plenty of moments of uncertainty and insecurity for the borrower, so the likelihood is when you do get dumped for another lender, there’s a real possibility of wooing your prospect back if you just gracefully and strategically keep the door open and follow-up.

Just recently I helped a client of mine write the following email script to send to her straying customer. In this particular case, the loan officer had given advice, consistently checked-in and been an ear to this prospect’s personal challenges over a significant period of time, yet the prospect decided to go with her credit union based on, “convenience.”

Ouch! Right?

Of course, this is just one way to respond, BUT what I like to remind my clients when responding to rate shoppers or getting dumped for other reasons is…

1.    You are NOT desperate-Let ’em go gracefully and keep the door open.

2.    You are the BEST choice regardless of their reason.

3.    Remember, the prospect has NO idea what they should really be worried about, like actually making it to the closing table and CLOSING.

Feel free to adopt, edit and use the following script as you see fit.

“So happy to hear things in your personal life are just about wrapped up for you. Onward and upward, right? Congrats!

Please do keep in mind that not all mortgage services are the same, so if for any reason things start to go sideways with the process or communication with your credit union, do not hesitate to contact me ASAP. Starting the loan process is easy, but getting to the finish line and closing your loan is where experience, solution-based thinking and perseverance is a must. I can honestly say I’ve saved dozens and dozens of deals from falling apart in my 20+ years of lending. 

I’d love the opportunity to help you into your bright future with a brand new home. Again, if anything changes, just call me immediately. I’ll make sure to check in on you in a few weeks to see how all is coming along.

Take care out there and stay in touch.”

That Elusive Thing Called, “Down Time”

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stayfocusedFunny thing about finally finding that elusive thing called, “down time”….Once we get some we either A) Choose to do nothing with it. B) Choose to fill it up with non-productive tasks or C) Forget what it was that we swore we were going to accomplish when we did finally get some, in which case A and/or B come into play. So in an effort to encourage the best of the best to use their down-time to catapult their careers, here is a memory jogger list of high pay-off projects to consider…

Get socially savvy-Create Lists in Facebook for your, “Friends” who happen to fall into certain critical categories, such as: Realtors, Past Customers, Prospects, Peers, Teammates and Other Referral Partners so that you can control who sees certain posts and make your posts even more relevant to your specified audiences.

Embrace efficiency-Get your Realtors and other referral partners, past customers, old prospects and new prospects , plus all of those forgotten business cards into your CRM, into your online email marketing portals, into your smart phone and any gift-giving online stores’ address books, such as Amazon, Shutterfly, Send out Cards, etc.

Just do it!-Don’t have a CRM that houses all of your various contacts? NOW is the time to research them on-line and get your most precious business asset (your contact list) organized and receiving branded, pertinent information from you on a regular basis. Remember, just because someone works with you once, doesn’t mean they are going to remember to refer you, use your services again or reach out to you with questions, UNLESS you are top of mind.

Brush-up on your craft-What could you become better at in your career? What experience do you lack? What aren’t you comfortable talking about? What part of your business still has you stumped? What could you read, listen to or take an on-line class about that would give you that edge?

Coordinate creativity-A cluttered outer world clutters our inner world. Do you have files to purge, emails to organize, subscriptions to cancel, files to shred or store? We ALL DO at some level and this is a GREAT time to declutter, reframe, refresh and create space. Remember, creativity is at the crux of all thriving careers and creativity can’t spread its wings if there’s not enough space to take flight.

Now, I’m not saying NOT to take advantage of some of this down time by indulging in non-business growth activities, such as: naps, long walks, game time with the family, binge watching Netflix shows, etc., What I want everyone to take to heart can be summed up in this quote just given to me earlier today by one of my clients and that is….“Champions are made in the off season!”

Be the Face, Be the Voice that EVERYONE Recalls Now and AFTER COVID-19

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embracetechnologyThe worst mistake anyone can make in business during times of economic uncertainty is to hide away from our referral partners’, customers’ and future customers’ concerns, questions, fears & anxieties. We might not have ALL of the answers but we are experts in our prospective fields and we should share and over-communicate and do so by various communication channels.

Though you no longer can meet face to face, host a publicly attended seminar, teach a publicly attended C.E. class, tag along on caravan with your Realtors or help them host an open house, TECHNOLOGY is available to replace ALL OF THESE OPPORTUNITIES and now is the perfect time to embrace these alternative approaches.

Embrace video conferencing, video marketing, Face Time client meetings, live webinars, FB Live, voice broadcasting, voice recorded email communications and voice text communication.

Tools like Zoom, Go To Meeting, Bomb Bomb, Facebook Live, Soapbox, Jing, as well as, the tools that already reside in your smart phones and laptops make it possible for you to remain Real, Live, In Touch, Empathetic, Accessible and RELEVANT.

Be in front of the challenge. Utilize technology. Over-communicate. Be the message of hope. Be Real. Embrace change.

“For time and the world do not stand still. Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or the present are certain to miss the future.”-John F. Kennedy

Sure Fire Modes to Move Past Fear

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movepastfearOver the last several years, I have had many Loan Officers ask me to help them with their goal of delving into the world of video marketing.

Now, this particular goal is nothing to sneeze at especially as it seems to tap into a lot of people’s personal vulnerabilities and insecurities.

Coming up with creative topics, writing scripts, reviewing video footage, and providing constructive feedback is routine for me as a Business Coach in helping my clients to implement this particular goal.

Not as routine, but quite frequently, I’m presented with the challenge of helping my clients to tackle certain mindsets that hamper their ability to take certain risks, stretch out of their comfort zones, or do things they’ve never done before. Everyone’s level of fear and anxiety is different, but we all experience these challenging feelings from time to time in our careers.

So, how does anybody ever go from wanting to do something that they feel fearful and anxious about to actually doing the thing they feel fearful and anxious about? The solutions, you’ll be glad to know, are simple and applicable to most professionals feeling stumped or at a mental stand-still in the face of their desired goals.

First of all, you’ll need to separate whether the particular goal that is causing you angst is actually of real interest to you or just a “should” that is unnecessarily eating up your brain-space.

To clarify this point, let’s use video marketing as the example goal.

Due to the explosion of YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, and the like, there are hundreds of webinars, eBooks, and on-line classes, all geared toward teaching business owners how to successfully use video marketing across these social platforms as the best way to grow a business, gain market share, and remain relevant with today’s consumers.

Now, I happen to agree with them, BUT if deep down inside you simply don’t have a case of the “Gotta-Do-Its” about releasing your own videos for the world to view, critique, and share, AND you can honestly say that if you never did one single video in your lifetime, you wouldn’t suffer from regrets, then you’ve got your answer…Video isn’t a goal for you. Stop beating your head against the same brick wall and focus your attention on a goal that actually excites you.

However, for those of you not of the camp described above, who still feel deep envy every time you see yet another Mortgage Professional taking the plunge and putting out their own videos across social media, the following three creative approaches can absolutely propel you past your fears so that you can realize your goals once and for all, not just regarding video, but ANY goal!

Go Public – There’s a lot of power in stating your goals publicly, and it’s a super-charged way of holding yourself accountable to sticking with your most challenging tasks. A great approach is to begin a weekly post series on Facebook or LinkedIn regarding your specific goal and the fears you are tackling.

Your connections have a lot more empathy than you think and will surprise you with their positive comments, tips, and encouragement. This is a way to “grease the wheels” so to speak, as making a public proclamation will stir an overwhelming urge in you to get moving fast so you can celebrate each victory in a new post. Plus, sharing a chronicle of your journey not only helps you, but could help others facing similar obstacles.

If social exposure of this magnitude isn’t in your comfort zone, then scale it down to a more private core group of trusted colleagues. You could make your goal known to 5-10 peers whom you admire, or if you have a team, share your intentions, hopes, and reservations with them.

Whoever you decide to “go public” with, just make certain that it goes well beyond your family and friends. Though your friends and family are well-meaning and will likely be very supportive of you, these types of relationships aren’t generally as effective in terms of driving a sense of accountability when it comes to daunting business goals.

Flood your Senses – There’s a form of behavioral therapy called “Flooding,” which is sometimes used by trained psychologists to treat phobias and anxiety disorders. The basic principle is that by exposing the individual to the subject of their anxiety/fear for repetitive and/or prolonged periods of time, eventually the high adrenaline and fear wanes.

I’m not suggesting that you hire a psychologist in order to achieve your goals, but what I am encouraging you to try is to immerse yourself in everything that has to do with the goal itself.

For instance, if your goal is to host a series of Home Buyer Seminars, but you have a fear of public speaking, then “flood” your senses by reading a book on how to put on great seminars, join to work on your fear of public speaking, go on and look for someone else’s Home Buyer Seminar that you can attend, interview a peer Loan Officer who is already hosting seminars, or visit and watch Home Buyer webinars. Start practicing your presentation in front of a mirror, your cats, your significant other, and eventually in front of two or three people and so on.

Set yourself up for a three-week “flooding” where every day you commit to immersing yourself in one of the activities above.

Hire an Expert – We humans tend to feel all alone in our day-to-day strife. We believe our particular set of circumstances and fears are somehow unique. However, the real truth is that no matter the goal, no matter the fears, someone else has already been there, done that!

The great news is that there are plenty of excellent people who are willing to work with you one- on-one in a consultative or coaching partnership and share all of their success secrets, tips, tools, and resources to help you move past the fear and accomplish your goals easier and faster than you ever would have achieved on your own.

Whether you are trying to recruit a winning sales team, increase the production levels of your current team, brand yourself, gain control of your time management, write a book, become a great speaker, host a radio show, home buyer seminar, or video series, hiring an expert who can demonstrate their success in helping others to achieve the same goal and move past perceived road-blocks is the fastest mode to achieving your goals with the least amount of pitfalls, setbacks, and wasted time.

Jump on-line and start investigating and interviewing the people promoting themselves as experts in your area who have the knowledge you need and the ability to help you see your goals through to the finish line.

Regardless of which of the three approaches you decide to embrace, just remember that the focus, time, and money you invest in your own growth always yields the greatest return.