All posts by Coach Victoria

Do You Manage Loan Officers in Need of a Boost?

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helpupHave a few of your loan officers fallen off the track in terms of their sales, engagement and activity? Try pulling them back on course by offering to act as a power production facilitator. Every sales person needs a boost now and again. Be the type of leader willing to provide structure, ideas, the space and time to help others to help themselves.
Here’s an example of how to immediately kick-start and facilitate a successful Power Production Group:
Invite your select loan officers-Send out a recurring meeting invite to meet twice a month for a period of 6 months. Express in your email invite that you feel they are on the cusp of greatness and you want to help push them over that edge and unearth solutions for what may be holding them back from hitting their goals.
Communicate expectations- Each loan officer who agrees to participate in the Power Production Group will NOT focus on excuses, frustrations & complaints, but rather they will focus on solutions, accountability, sharing, possibility and opportunity.
Ask for commitment-Agree to become a part of this group ONLY if you can commit to the meetings, leave your frustrations/excuses at the door and be open and willing to exchange ideas and try something new.
Share your agenda-The agenda should include, but does not have to be limited to the following: brainstorming networking strategies, sales strategies, building referral relationships and marketing ideas, follow-up strategies & scripts, hands-on training for tools & technology, time management best practices and organizational tips, product & industry knowledge.

Are you a Loan Officer Suffering from, “Just Enough Business?”

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willtosucceedIf there is one thing I ask my seasoned loan officers to change right out of the gates when they first engage in coaching with me, it’s their, “willingness level.”

You may want more business. You may want more Realtor partners. You may want more direct consumer leads, BUT, the most important question to ask yourself is, “What am I willing to do to get more of what I want?”

Your willingness level will always dictate how much opportunity you can expect. And, to be clear, one’s willingness level is not measured in words, it’s measured in action.

Here are a couple of examples of what I tend to hear from seasoned mortgage professionals struggling with a lack of will…

“I did all that networking stuff before and it never works.”


“Yes, I know I’m supposed to be calling my past customers, but I don’t want to feel like I’m begging anyone for business.”

The examples above are rife with assumption-Assuming there’s no new networking opportunities, no new way to glean business from networking events and that their past experience with networking won’t be any different, today. Assuming their customers don’t want to hear from them and don’t want to help them.

All of these assumptions are simply knee jerk reactions to protecting the core issue, which of course whittles down to that nasty, four-letter “F” word…FEAR!

Everyone feels a certain measure of fear when faced with situations that makes them feel vulnerable or requires them to commit to a game plan for the long haul.

At some point, many (not all) mortgage professionals become complacent, too comfy and stop stretching themselves. They want more business, but they’re not in enough financial, “pain” to be willing to get out of their comfort zones to make more happen.

If they’ve got, “enough” in their pipeline, then they’re mildly happy. When the pipeline dips again and they don’t feel like there is quite enough, then they get frustrated, spend money and time here and there on different, “shiny gems” hoping for a quick fix.

99% of the time the, “shiny gem” doesn’t pan-out, the money spent doesn’t lead to the leads they hoped for and the one networking gig they begrudgingly show up to, is a bust.

Then, ‘thank God’, a few good leads suddenly come in from one or two of their old, stand-by referral partners and ‘gratefully’ they immediately turn ALL of their attention to those leads and the cycle of, “just enough business” is set into motion all over again.

If this sounds even mildly familiar, read on…

If one accepts that there are no short-cuts to growing their mortgage business and much of what it took to get going in this business in the first place is still required today in order to grow, then all that’s left to consider is…Are you willing to feel the fear and do it anyway?

Here’s what works to grow the business, always has and always will. The GREAT news is that there’s a variety of creative approaches when engaging in the following activities and I should know, I have an entire roster of mortgage professionals I coach who are tackling these business builders in different ways:

  • Various networking (social, business, charity, etc.) and continued follow-up, WORKS!
  • Staying in touch in a personal way (live calls, video, client appreciation events, social media) with our past customers, WORKS!
  • Making sure we are calling on our Realtors and seeing them face to face (socially and professionally), WORKS!
  • Asking for referrals, WORKS!

Stop assuming-Find the will-Get committed-Feel the fear and DO IT ANYWAY!

If you need help getting committed to your business growth goals and getting out of the rut you’re currently in, reach out to me and Ask for a Complimentary Business Coaching Session!

Wanna Hire a LOA? Better Read this, First!

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hiringThe great news I have to report today is that more and more of my mortgage coaching clients are being given the opportunity from their companies to hire Loan Officer Assistants a whole lot sooner and with a lot less volume than what has been the industry norm. Hip-Hip-Hurray for this positive change!

But here’s the rub, not every mortgage professional who’s ready to hire their first assistant has had the experience of managing another human being, holding someone else accountable and engaged, not to mention, actually motivated to excel on the job.

So I wanted to cover one very critical component in successfully on-boarding your new Loan Officer Assistant, that is largely overlooked by those with little to no management experience.

Starting off on the right foot with your new hire means setting the tone, the pace and proper expectations on the very first day. How do we achieve this?…Come prepared with a 30-Day Training Schedule!

The 30-Day Training Schedule that you prepare should include, at the minimum, blocks of time in which to cover the following items:

Expectations: Job roles, tasks and responsibilities, turn-around times, Professionalism, Attitude, Work hours, Breaks, Time off, Sick time, Vacation requests, Team meetings, Employee reviews;

Systems: CRM, Database, Marketing portholes, LOS, Loan flow/Work flow, Office equipment, Proper phone etiquette, Communication channels, Calendar,  Website addresses, Passwords, Other online tools regularly used in their position;

Shadow Work: Allow your LOA to listen to you on sales calls, accompany you at sales appointments, referral partner meetings, networking & during presentations. Schedule time for you LOA to shadow other key team members, too;

Goals: Mission or vision statement, Business Goals, Business Plan, Brand, Marketing plan, Team dynamics, Incentives, Bonuses, Morale boosters; Additional training opportunities;

One final tip: Keep track of what has been covered with your new employee each week, and then on Friday meet with him/her for 30-minutes to review the week’s lessons, answer their questions, ask questions to ensure comprehension and reset the tone for the next week.

Remember, nothing is a bigger turn-off to a great, new employee than to see their boss scrambling, frustrated, disorganized and short on time. By providing your new Assistant with a daily training plan during their first 30-days of employment, not only will you be better able to deal with your own competing responsibilities, but you’ll set a tone for success and more quickly gain the value from investing in a Loan Officer Assistant.

Business Growth Opportunities You May be Ignoring

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IgnoringIf we aren’t regularly evaluating our business growth efforts, our modes and methods, then there is a high likelihood that we are ignoring the obvious and have some pretty good lumps on our noggins from hitting that brick wall over and over again.

It’s natural to want instant results, an easy path, comfortable, daily routines and absence of confrontation, BUT growth isn’t experienced without some measure of strife and challenge and that goes for both our personal and professional lives.

What you are ignoring the most, in your business, is likely the place where you will find your best opportunities for growth.

Here is a list of things I have found mortgage professionals ignoring the most, regardless of age, tenure in the Industry, or personality type:

  • Speaking in public
  • Past Clients
  • Asking for referrals
  • Social media
  • Follow-up activities
  • Tracking Marketing R.O.I.
  • Building new referral relationships
  • Networking

If you find yourself having an instant gut-level response to any one of these items, a strange tingle of guilt or annoyance, it may be just the thing to start warming up to immediately.

When you uncover what it is that you are specifically ignoring, commit to taking one action, regardless of how small, every single day to fully embrace this new task.

Keep the task in front of you, write it on your white board, set a daily alarm on your iPhone, ask your Coach, mentor or a peer to email you daily to report on the task! After 30 consecutive days, assess your return. Look for the opportunities that sprang from your efforts.

I’ll make a bold prediction… Your daily commitment to this one thing that you’ve been ignoring the most in your business WILL bring you some aha moments, results and growth!

If I’m wrong, then just hit me up for a complimentary coaching session! I’m committed, are you?


Let’s Take a Closer Look at How BIG Change REALLY Happens…

By | Mortgage Business Tips | No Comments

takealookLooking for big change, a shift, a break, a “Hell Yeah” or a “Halleluja” to come your way this year?

It’s not unusual to launch into a New Year hoping for these things to occur in our business lives. A lot of us will spend a good amount of time researching new marketing spins, the latest trends in social media and systems that we hope will make the BIG difference.

Not that these endeavors aren’t worth the time, BUT the biggest change that must occur in your business this year in order to rise up from your current plateau, will stem from the inside, not from something you purchase or determine to implement.

You want big change in your business? You must change, first!

Here’s what you may be faced with changing:

Your attitude-Do people call you for advice? Do people share their good news, victories and celebrations with you? Do you share ideas openly? Do you listen more than you talk? Do people refer you? Do people smile at you? What type of people (other than your family) do you spend the majority of your time with…what’s their attitude?

Your excuses-Is it your lack of time that keeps you from getting things done? Is it the fact that you don’t have an Assistant that keeps you from doing more? Is lack of money the reason you’re not growing? Are you not the right shape, not from the right area, didn’t graduate from the right school or too old/too young to get more business? Are your kids, spouse, friends, co-workers, Management and the dog at the root of why you can’t work on your goals?

Your willingness-Do you stop short of stepping outside your comfort zone? Do you shy away from tackling new opportunities? Have you learned anything new lately? Do you give, first? Do you refrain from asking for referrals? When is the last time you did something that you were very afraid of trying?

Your expectations-Do people take advantage of your time? Are everyone else’s procrastinations taken on as your emergencies? Do you over promise and under deliver? Do you hold your team accountable? Do you regularly communicate your expectations to your team, customers, referral partners, vendors, etc.?

Your discipline-Do you squander time? Do you have a plan? Do you complete your tasks? Do you show up when you say you’re going to show up? Do you plan out your day ahead of time? Do you stick to your goals? Do your stick to routines? Do you stay up too late, eat poorly, drink too much, lack exercise or live in the past?

Each person’s interpretation of the questions above will no doubt be different. Take a moment to jot down your thoughts about yourself in relation to these 5 game changers then ask someone who you trust and knows you well to write down their observations of you and compare notes. (Critical tip: thank your willing participant, do not compare notes together, do not defend yourself or question their comments the next time you see them).

“Your Reality Is a Reflection of What You Believe You Deserve”-Tova Payne

Start the New Year Focused on One Thing…YOU!

By | Food for thought, Mortgage Business Tips | No Comments

Happy New Year!2018newyear

It’s a fresh, New Year with all fresh new beginnings, which include: new habits, new attitudes, new risks, new hopes, new goals, new challenges, new focus, new passions, new possibilities, and THANK GOD, we’re here and able to experience it ALL!

Since everything we experience on the outside, starts with how we feel on the inside, here are 6 simple practices to maintaining a positive attitude in any situation all year long…

Break-up the Negative Stream –The moment you realize you are riding down that mental negative stream of frustration, anger or self-pity– shift your thoughts to a totally unrelated memory, to-do list or other thought. This breaks the negative pattern and keeps you from sinking into a downward spiral.

Find the Lesson – There is a lesson to be learned from every situation. No matter how unfortunate the situation may appear, recognize the beautiful lessons waiting to be discovered. Every problem is a learning and growth opportunity in disguise.

Focus on Daily Gratitude – You cannot be both angry and grateful at the same time. Start every day off by counting the blessings and miracles in your life, start looking for them and you shall find more.

Positive Affirmations & Visualization – Practice seeing yourself in a positive and confident light. Do this whenever you have a few minutes (while waiting for a friend, sitting on the bus, riding an elevator.) Keep a list of positive statements about yourself someplace where you will see them daily, like your bathroom mirror.

Inventory of Memories – Keep an inventory of memories that can immediately make you smile- Occasions where you felt happy, appreciative and cheerful and at peace with the world.

Criticizing Detox Diet – Change your approach and attitude. See if you can stop criticizing others and situations. Shift from fault-finding to appreciation-finding.

Six Pointers for Powerful Presentations

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speakingpicBe Confident in your Content-Hot topics like Facebook for Business and Time Management are GREAT…IF, the content you plan on delivering is personalized to your skill, knowledge & experience level. There’s nothing more disengaging for listeners than when they sense someone dancing around the details or a lack of real-world experience.

Inspire ACTION-Write down what you want your audience to do differently or think differently as a result of your presentation. Every presentation whether it be a brief 15 minute Realtor office sales meeting or a ½ day C.E. presentation should be tied to specific goals.

Never, “wing it!”-Write down your presentation so that you are polished and prepared. Your audience knows when you’re speaking off the cuff. Main points and story lead-ins can be jotted down on 3×5 cards to help you stay on track. Never read your presentation or inundate your audience with an overabundance of PowerPoint slides.

First 60 Seconds of Story Time-The best of the best speakers engage us in the first 60 seconds with a story, a case study example, “a funny thing happened on the way to this event” opener, a little known fact, personal foible or victory statement, etc. This approach instantly relaxes the audience by kicking things off in a casual, personal voice, rather than a formal, instructional voice.

Eliminate “Uhms” and “Ahs”-The root of all such transitional, “thought hiccups” is uncertainly. The only way to combat this is to PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE. Get a friend of family member to allow you to give your presentation to them so you get used to having eyes on you while you are standing and speaking. If no one is available, then speak into a mirror, into your own eyes.

Examples Leave Impressions-Be sure to share as many examples and personal stories as possible with your audience. People connect with lessons learned, times of vulnerability, overcoming fears, and examples of victories achieved. Your audience will recall the feelings associated with your presentation even more-so than your words.

Managing Loan Officers on the Cusp of Greatness

By | Mortgage Business Tips | No Comments

accountabilityDo you have loan officers on your team that you were sure were going to knock it out of the park, but instead do a whole lotta bunting? Do you scratch your head because outwardly they exhibit the right attitude, confidence, knowledge and willingness to take action but their pipelines reflect something else?

Before you get too frustrated and head over to H.R. to discuss an exit strategy for these folks, put on your Coach hat instead and form a Power Production & Accountability Group!

Here’s an example of how to immediately kick-start a successful Power Production & Accountability Group:

  1. Invite your select loan officers-Send out a recurring meeting invite to meet twice a month for a period of 6 months. Express in your email invite that you feel they are on the cusp of greatness and you want to help push them over that edge and unearth solutions for what may be holding them back from hitting their goals.
  2. Communicate expectations- Each loan officer who agrees to participate in the Power Production & Accountability Group will NOT focus on excuses, frustrations & complaints, but rather they will focus on solutions, accountability, sharing, possibility and opportunity.
  3. Ask for commitment-Agree to become a part of this group  ONLY if you can commit to the meetings, leave your frustrations/excuses at the door and be open and willing to exchange ideas and try something new.
  4. Share your agenda-The agenda should include, but does not have to be limited to the following: brainstorming networking strategies, sales strategies, building referral relationships and marketing ideas, follow-up strategies & scripts, hands-on training for tools & technology, time management best practices and organizational tips, product & industry knowledge.

Important tips to ensure the success of your Power Production & Accountability Group:

  1. Everyone shares, everyone participates, including YOU.
  2. Prepare and send out your agenda 2 days prior to each meeting.
  3. Select a “scribe,” someone who is willing to capture all of the ideas shared and send them out to the group via email immediately after the meeting.
  4. ALWAYS have the participants state a goal out loud that they’d like to achieve prior to the next meeting.
  5. Encourage the group to encourage each other in between meetings.
  6. Keep the meeting to a max of 90 minutes!
  7. If your participants are remote, make sure to utilize a tool, like




Three Success Ingredients Found in Top Producers’ Business Plans

By | Mortgage Business Tips, Uncategorized | No Comments


How do Top Producers plan for managing lead and referral sources, customer experience plans, and automated marketing methods to stay in touch?

Top producing Loan Officers have learned that developing a Business Plan is NOT a, “someday maybe” but rather a critical component to ensuring their success year after year.

Sign up for Coach Victoria’s class to learn the three, “success ingredients” found in top producers’ business plans, PLUS the tools found in ACT software that can support and automatically activate these strategies.

If you are a mortgage professional, or manage a team of mortgage professionals, this webinar will provide you with the tools to immediately kick-start a winning business plan!

SIGN UP HERE for your free limited time access to the webinar.